Employee Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for all Employees

Please Read the following document care fully and then complete the form at the bottom to confirm that you agree to abide by its contents whilst an employee of the Libertatem Healthcare Group.



The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to provide a framework for public protection through:

  1. Guidance and support to Healthcare Support Workers’ on their practice so that they understand what standards of conduct employers, colleagues, service users and the public can expect of them.
  2. Development of this key workforce.


The Code applies to all Healthcare Support Workers employed in clinical and non-clinical environments across the company and is core to the role that they fulfil.

What will this Code mean for you?

  1. It will provide you with a set of standards, so you can be sure what standards you are expected to meet.
  2. You should use the Code to decide if you are working to the standard and if not to identify what you need to do to change the way you are working.
  • You can use the Code to identify areas for personal development and improvement.
  1. The code will support you to fulfil the requirements of your role, behave correctly and do the right thing at all times. This is essential to protect patients, service users, the public and others from harm.

How will this Code help your Managers?

  1. The Code helps your Manager to understand what standards they can expect of you.

How will this Code help the Public?

  1. The Code is based on the basic principle of protecting the public, and provides a framework so that the public can understand what standards they can expect of Healthcare Support Workers.
  2. Libertatem Healthcare has a legal duty and responsibility to protect the interest and wellbeing of its patients and service users.

As a Healthcare Support Worker you must promote the wellbeing of patients, service users and families by:

  1. ACCOUNTABILITY: Be accountable by making sure you can always answer for your actions or omissions.

You must:

  1. Be honest with yourself and others about what you can do, recognise the limitations of your ability and/or role and only carry those tasks in which you have gained and maintained competence.
  2. Behave in a professional manner which would not call into question your suitability to work in a health and social care environment.
  • Be accountable for your actions or your omissions to patients and service users, their families/carers, your employer and members of the public.
  1. Speak to your supervisor if you do not feel able or adequately prepared to carry out any aspect of your work, or if you have difficulties that might affect your ability to do your job competently and safely.
  2. Establish and maintain clear and appropriate professional boundaries in your relationships with patients and service users, their carers and colleagues at all times.
  3. Refuse to accept any offers of loans, gifts, benefits or hospitality from anyone in your care or anyone close to them which may be seen to compromise your position.
  • Comply with the Company’s policies and procedures.
  • Report any actions or omissions by yourself or colleagues that you feel may compromise the safety of care of patients and service users.
  1. RESPECT: Promote and uphold privacy, dignity, respect, rights and wellbeing of patients, service users and their carers at all times.

You must:

  1. Treat each person as an individual, promote independence and self-care and assist patients and service users to exercise their rights and make informed choices about care.
  2. Always provide treatment, care, and support people’s rights to accept or decline any treatment or care in line with agreed company processes relating to the service user consent.
  • Contribute to and maintain a safe health and social care environment that is fit for practice.
  1. Always make sure your actions or omissions will not harm the person’s health or wellbeing or delay their recovery. Do not abuse, neglect, harm or exploit, patients, service users, carers or colleagues.
  2. Challenge and report dangerous, abusive behaviour or anything that causes you concern or you consider to be discriminatory.
  3. Always take complaints seriously, respond to them in line with the organisations policy and inform a senior member of staff.
  4. COLLABORATION: Work in collaboration with your colleagues as part of a team to ensure the delivery of high-quality safe care to patients, service users and their families.

You must:

  1. Value and understand the part you play in the team, recognise, and respect the roles and expertise of colleagues in the team and from other agencies and disciplines and work in partnership with them.
  2. Work openly and cooperatively with patients, service users and their families/ carers and treat them with respect.
  • Honour work commitments, agreements and arrangements and be reliable and dependable.
  1. Promote and maintain the delivery of high-quality care to patients and service users.
  2. COMMUNICATION: Communicate in an open, transparent, and effective way to promote the wellbeing of patients, service users and carers.

You must:

  1. Communicate respectfully with patients, service users and carers/families and colleagues in an open, accurate, effective and straightforward way ensuring confidentiality.
  2. Document and maintain clear and accurate records of your care and report any changes or concerns in the condition of individuals immediately to a senior member of staff.
  • Recognise the limits of your role, knowledge and competence when communicating.
  1. CONFIDENTIALITY: Respect a person’s right to confidentiality, protecting and upholding their privacy.

You must:

  1. Treat all service user’s care information as confidential.
  2. Only discuss or disclose relevant information about service users to members of the team or other professionals who need information to help plan care or services.
  • Always seek guidance from a senior member of staff regarding any information or issues that you are concerned about.
  1. Always discuss issues of disclosure with a senior member of staff.
  2. QUALITY: Improve the quality of care to service users by updating your knowledge, skills and experience through personal and professional development.

You must:

  1. In agreement with your supervisor ensure up to date compliance with all statutory/mandatory training.
  2. Participate in and take responsibility for your personal development plan to support achievement of the competence required for your role.
  • Undertake training and education in line with your role accessing effective supervision to improve the quality and safety of care to patients and service users.
  1. Contribute to the learning and development of others where appropriate.
  2. EQUALITY: To promote equality. All service users, colleagues and members of the public are entitled to be treated fairly and without bias.

You must:

  1. Respect the individuality and diversity of patients, service users, carers/families and colleagues and not discriminate or condone discrimination against them in any way.
  2. Promote equal opportunities for patients, service users and carers/family.
  • Report concerns to a senior member of staff as soon as possible.
  • Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY