Submit a Daily Record

ABC form - Piotr A

  • Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • :
  • In this row, with the following questions in mind, provide a step by step description of exactly what you observed prior to the behaviour, or at the same time as the behaviour occurred. 1. Where was the person, and exactly what were they doing? 2. Was anyone else around, or had anyone just left? 3. Had a request been made of the person? 4. Had the person asked for, or did they want something to eat or drink? 5. Had the person asked for, or did they want a specific object or activity? 6. Had an activity just ended, or been cancelled? 7. Where were you and what were you doing? 8. How did the person’s mood appear, e.g. happy, sad, angry, withdrawn or distressed? 9. Did the person seem to be communicating anything through their behaviour, e.g. I don’t want…;I want…?
  • In this row, provide a step by step description of exactly what the person did, e.g. he ran out of the living room, stood in the kitchen doorway and punched his head with his right hand for approximately 1 minute.
  • In this row, with the following questions in mind, provide a step by step description of the exact events that occurred immediately after the behaviour. 1. Exactly how did you respond to the behaviour? Give a step-by-step description. 2. How did the person respond to your reaction to the behaviour? 3. Was there anyone else around who responded to, or showed a reaction to the behaviour? 4. Did the person’s behaviour result in them gaining anything they did not have before the behaviour was exhibited, e.g. attention from somebody (positive or negative); an object, food or drink; or escape from an activity or situation?